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Dani and Corey | Ft Desoto Park | Florida Engagement Photographer


Danielle and Corey were a really special couple.  They are so supportive and loving toward one another.  They were both very excited for their session, Dani, because she has always dreamed about her engagement photo session and Corey, because he knew Dani how much this meant to Dani, and he could not wait to spend some time at the beach.  Dani let us know she was nervous and had been practicing her serious face in the mirror so that it did not look like a scary angry face.  I loved this!  She was stunning throughout the entire session and her practice paid off. 

Their Surf Side Session

Fort De Soto made for a beautiful setting for this couple’s engagement session.  The images of them framed by the tree branch are really unique and beautiful.  I also love the images of them posing with each other against the wall and the way it shows off Dani’s shoulder tattoo. This couple each has some really beautiful body art.  The love these two share for one another is obvious in their images.  You can feel the intensity and passion they have for each other.  This was very apparent in the portion of their session that we captured in the water.  They way Corey holds Dani to him and the trust that she has in  him are beautifully represented in these photos.

This couple is so excited to be getting married and cannot wait for their wedding.  I am thrilled that they chose us as their Florida engagement photographers and cannot wait to see what the future holds for them.