Luna is One | A Family and Smash Cake Session

Luna is the littlest, and she is turning one! She has such a fun personality and LOVES bubbles. We did a 4-in-1 kind of shoot including Luna’s one-year smash cake experience, sibling photos, updated couple photos of Mom and Dad, and plenty of family photos. With kids at this age, it’s really hard to get everyone together for a full photo shoot, so we decided to make this one count!

A Unique Bond

We started off exploring a little and letting the kids play and unwind. Luna’s big brother Strider led the way and was all about the animals we saw during our shoot. I’m obsessed with how the sibling photos came out—it’s obvious that these two love each other very much. I’m sure, as with any close siblings, fights break out on occasion, but Luna and Strider have a unique bond that was so much fun to capture. I love how he gently held her little face as he kissed her nose, and he held her by the hand so she wouldn’t fall as they were walking. Strider has his big brother role down!

Mom and Dad are wonderful parents! The love they share as a couple flows out and is emulated in the way they interact with their kids. No wonder the kids adore them. This happy family was so inspiring and such a joy to be around. I loved spending my day with them.

Finally, it was time for a snack break. Or rather a smash break. Luna loved her cake but was pretty tired by the time we finished the session. By the end, she was completely worn out from all of the excitement of the day. Happy first birthday, sweet girl! Thanks for letting me share it with you!


Welcome to the world, Lily! | A Lifestyle Newborn Session


The Wilson Family | Annual Family Photos | Tampa, Florida